Monday, June 4, 2012

Talking to Ciara and a rant on: Judgement.

Alright so . I just started talking to my new friend Ciara (she's gawjuss by the way!) and she brought up something really important .
Judgement on sexual orientation , meaning people are judging other people that are Gay, Bisexual, Lesbian, and Transgender .
I am a TOTAL supporter of the LGBT society , first of all . Second , I am so tired of hearing these stories of people cutting and hurting themselves because they're being judged and hated over their sexual orientation . I've heard stores of people killing themselves over this and I'm sick and fucking tired of it . So what if they're gay and they want to get married ? Is it affecting you ? Afraid they're gonna "turn you gay" ? Can't face them because they're gay ? Well turn the fuck around then .
So what if they're a guy and they don't feel like a guy , they feel more like a girl ? You scared they're gonna be all up on you because they're basically both sexes and they can get guys AND girls ? 

Why the fuck are you scared of them ? Are you afraid of happiness ? 

"God intended for it to be a man and a woman."

God ALSO intended for us to be happy, correct?

And for those who don't believe in God, here's something to think about: 
Are you being a follower ? Are you hating on them because everyone else is , or because its "the right thing to do"?

Think about all of this.

Leave hate comments, love comments, whatever the fuck you want but think about what you're doing to these people. You're ruining their lives, guise.
Put yourselves in their shoes.

Build a bridge and get over yourselves. 

xoxo for now ♥, Karah.