Monday, June 11, 2012

Another Rant On Judgement

Rant On: Girls calling themselves ugly.

... The Fuck is this about?!
I love all of my friends and I personally think all of you are fucking gorgeous.
Lexi, Leslee, Rian, Vanessa, all of you.

You are amazing and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. Just because you're not a twig doesnt mean you're not wanted, just because you're not flawless doesn't mean you're not pretty.

Coming from someone who has been called a whore, a slut, a bitch, a cunt, ugly as fuck, disgusting, among other things, you have to learn not to let it get to you.

I understand it hurts and yeah, it happens to the best of us. But that the point: It happens to the best of us.

You may not see it, but I do. You're amazing. You may not be perfect, but who is?



You may think that one girl is "Perfect" or "Flawless" but in reality she has problems of her own.
Everyone has something, even though it may not show.

Take me, for instance: I hate my teeth and my smile because my top front teeth are crooked. So? It makes me different and original. It makes me me, and without it I wouldn't be me.
My hair color. I dye it to be ORIGINAL.

Severe acne? Braces? Glasses? Small boobs? Small butt? A little extra love around your waist? Big feet? Knobby knees? Twiggy?

I like it(:
It suits you perfectly and just think,
would you really look like "you" without it? ♥

I'd love to hear from you all, so shoot me an email or a message:

Send me feedback, my loves. ♥

xoxo, Karah ♥

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