Saturday, June 23, 2012

Want ♥

So there's this camera...
And I want it so bad.
I would like DIE if I got it.

Yeah I know, its Amazing ♥

Must. Have. I don't care if its film. I must have it.

xoxo for now, Karah ♥

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Nutella? :D

I L O V E N U T E L L A .
Do you?
Or don't you?
But I do.
I also love my puppy.
And my best friend.
And swimming.
And clothes.
And shoes.
AND my camera.

But mostly Nutella and my camera.

That is all.

xoxo, Karah ♥

Monday, June 11, 2012

Another Rant On Judgement

Rant On: Girls calling themselves ugly.

... The Fuck is this about?!
I love all of my friends and I personally think all of you are fucking gorgeous.
Lexi, Leslee, Rian, Vanessa, all of you.

You are amazing and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. Just because you're not a twig doesnt mean you're not wanted, just because you're not flawless doesn't mean you're not pretty.

Coming from someone who has been called a whore, a slut, a bitch, a cunt, ugly as fuck, disgusting, among other things, you have to learn not to let it get to you.

I understand it hurts and yeah, it happens to the best of us. But that the point: It happens to the best of us.

You may not see it, but I do. You're amazing. You may not be perfect, but who is?



You may think that one girl is "Perfect" or "Flawless" but in reality she has problems of her own.
Everyone has something, even though it may not show.

Take me, for instance: I hate my teeth and my smile because my top front teeth are crooked. So? It makes me different and original. It makes me me, and without it I wouldn't be me.
My hair color. I dye it to be ORIGINAL.

Severe acne? Braces? Glasses? Small boobs? Small butt? A little extra love around your waist? Big feet? Knobby knees? Twiggy?

I like it(:
It suits you perfectly and just think,
would you really look like "you" without it? ♥

I'd love to hear from you all, so shoot me an email or a message:

Send me feedback, my loves. ♥

xoxo, Karah ♥

Ha , Another post about Rian ! (:

Rian is absolutely amazingly hilarious, bros.

She commented on a picture 112 times only saying "omg", 114 times total.

We have some weird ass conversations, which reminds me, does anyone have blue hairdye? 

OMGOMGOMG I'm dying my hair red, pink, and purple . ♥
Just thought I'd let you all know.

Well she is funny. as. fuck.

She needs to come over so I can do her pictures! *Hint hint*


Rian, bring me a sammich? Kay thank you love(:

I still need to chop off my cousins' limbs with scissors.


Rian, Rian, Where for art thou Rian?!

Oh there you are ^w^ ♥

Yeah she replaced my boyfriend kuhs she wants my ass (x 

Oh I love her mucho.

Ta ta for now!
xoxo, Karah ♥

Children's Photoshoot Feat. Levi Jeffers

Hey guise(: I did a little photoshoot with my cousin while my aunt was out, so here you go!

 Favorite #1 ^^

Favorite #2 ^^

Isn't he adorable (;

I'm gonna do 2 more photoshoots with 2 of my other cousins.

xoxo for now, Karah ♥

The 5Oth Person To Like...

Hey! The 5Oth person to like my photography page on Facebook gets an album of their choice (i.e. Nature, Pets, One of our models, Kids, etc.) dedicated to them! The logo will look like:

SeeMee Photography For *Your Name*
I just used mine as an example.
Also if you live near enough to me, you'll get to be featured as one of my "Models".

That entails a personal photoshoot and outfits, locations, and poses of your choice.(:

L I K E , L I K E , L I K E , L I K E ! ♥
xoxo, Karah ♥

Sunday, June 10, 2012

I did a photoshoot today :3 ♥

Hey guise.
So my friend Leslee and I did a photoshoot today. Here are the ones of me that came out the best(:

 One of my favorites. ^^

 Also a favorite. ^^

 Another favorite. ^^

Last favorite. ^^

They were edited by me, taken by Leslee on my camera. (: ♥

Follow me guise !
Also, like my Facebook page? It would mean so much to me,♥

Thanks ! ♥

xoxo, Karah (: ♥

This is A L L about Rian c; ♥

Alright so.
I'm here to talk about Rionna, also known as Rian.(:
She is absolutely fucking gorgeous, even if she doesn't think so, I do!
This bitch. We have some Weird conversations and the subjects can change in like 2 seconds !(;

Well she's freaking amazing & I promised her a photoshoot, and she will get one and it will be amazing.

Kay I luhhhyooouuu(:

This is Rian, guise (: ^^

xoxo, Karah(: ♥

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Thanks :3

Thanks for all the reads guise! ♥

I really appreciate it.

But what was said HAD to be said by someone, and I just thought it should be me.(:

Monday, June 4, 2012

Talking to Ciara and a rant on: Judgement.

Alright so . I just started talking to my new friend Ciara (she's gawjuss by the way!) and she brought up something really important .
Judgement on sexual orientation , meaning people are judging other people that are Gay, Bisexual, Lesbian, and Transgender .
I am a TOTAL supporter of the LGBT society , first of all . Second , I am so tired of hearing these stories of people cutting and hurting themselves because they're being judged and hated over their sexual orientation . I've heard stores of people killing themselves over this and I'm sick and fucking tired of it . So what if they're gay and they want to get married ? Is it affecting you ? Afraid they're gonna "turn you gay" ? Can't face them because they're gay ? Well turn the fuck around then .
So what if they're a guy and they don't feel like a guy , they feel more like a girl ? You scared they're gonna be all up on you because they're basically both sexes and they can get guys AND girls ? 

Why the fuck are you scared of them ? Are you afraid of happiness ? 

"God intended for it to be a man and a woman."

God ALSO intended for us to be happy, correct?

And for those who don't believe in God, here's something to think about: 
Are you being a follower ? Are you hating on them because everyone else is , or because its "the right thing to do"?

Think about all of this.

Leave hate comments, love comments, whatever the fuck you want but think about what you're doing to these people. You're ruining their lives, guise.
Put yourselves in their shoes.

Build a bridge and get over yourselves. 

xoxo for now ♥, Karah.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Rest In Paradise. ♥

Guise, my kitty passed away yesterday :c
Memorial for Luckman (Lucky) Jeffers.
May he rest in Paradise.

 When he was smaller. He liked to play in the Garden a lot.
 Little Kitty helping with the dishes.
 Getting him started on big kitty food.
 I raised him from 2 days old. We found him in the back yard. He wasn't even a year old yet. 
Being Cute.
He was sleeping, then he woke up from the flash.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

-Insert Title Here-

Hey guise.(:

So Lets see... What haven't I posted?
A picture of me?
Oh okay ^-^

Here you goooo:

I Like this one. My hair color is different now, with all black underneath. I don't wear that necklace anymore, either.
Bad memories.


Keep reading! I'm gonna write a really long post today.

xoxo Karah ♥

Just For Sommer! (:

This post is just for Sommer >.♥
She wanted me to post her picture, so here you go(;

This is one of my gorgeous bestfriends Sommer, guise ♥

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Today's Post is short & Sweet :3


Guise, my favorite color is
My favorite thing to do is
take and edit pictures.
I spent 3 hours on this today, I hope you all it!

This is a picture in which I used 7 different pictures to create. The baby is my cousin Connor. :3 ♥

Au Revoir until tomorrow >.♥


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Oh hey(:

Hey :3
Im Karah.
I'm 14.
Im a Freshman at Oak Hills High School.
I love taking pictures.
I love editing pictures.
I used to use Picnik, now I use Photoshop CS5 (64 bit).
I have a Sony FD Mavica Steadyshot Camera, upgrading soon.

In photo editing I've worked with Dayzhanece Edwards (PinkCrave Creations) (:

1 of 2 Latest photoshop creations: Fairy Eye
2 of 2 Latest photoshop creations: Butterfly Smoker
My cousin Addison, before & After; I took & edited it.
My very first photoshop.
Photography is my L I F E and I would be nowhere without it >-^ ♥
Its me(: