Thursday, May 31, 2012

-Insert Title Here-

Hey guise.(:

So Lets see... What haven't I posted?
A picture of me?
Oh okay ^-^

Here you goooo:

I Like this one. My hair color is different now, with all black underneath. I don't wear that necklace anymore, either.
Bad memories.


Keep reading! I'm gonna write a really long post today.

xoxo Karah ♥

Just For Sommer! (:

This post is just for Sommer >.♥
She wanted me to post her picture, so here you go(;

This is one of my gorgeous bestfriends Sommer, guise ♥

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Today's Post is short & Sweet :3


Guise, my favorite color is
My favorite thing to do is
take and edit pictures.
I spent 3 hours on this today, I hope you all it!

This is a picture in which I used 7 different pictures to create. The baby is my cousin Connor. :3 ♥

Au Revoir until tomorrow >.♥


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Oh hey(:

Hey :3
Im Karah.
I'm 14.
Im a Freshman at Oak Hills High School.
I love taking pictures.
I love editing pictures.
I used to use Picnik, now I use Photoshop CS5 (64 bit).
I have a Sony FD Mavica Steadyshot Camera, upgrading soon.

In photo editing I've worked with Dayzhanece Edwards (PinkCrave Creations) (:

1 of 2 Latest photoshop creations: Fairy Eye
2 of 2 Latest photoshop creations: Butterfly Smoker
My cousin Addison, before & After; I took & edited it.
My very first photoshop.
Photography is my L I F E and I would be nowhere without it >-^ ♥
Its me(: